ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print) JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

The Impact of Hedonic Value and Utilitarian Value on Repurchase Intention Through Attitude Toward Brand:

Comparison on Tokopedia and Shopee Marketplace

Author (s)

Hananiel M. Gunawan & Oliandes Sondakh


­This research evaluates and searching for consumers’ value perspective, either Hedonic or Utilitarian value, on e-commerce platform. One of the most discussed topic in e-commerce is consumer buying behavior and also post purchase behavior. Repurchase intention becomes one of the most crucial aspect as a part of consumer loyalty. Tokopedia and Shopee represents fastest growing e-commerce platform and information site in Indonesia. Currently, Tokopedia and Shopee present expansive range of products that consumers can find their needs easily. While Tokopedia is a first mover of the industry, Shopee has been proven to effectively captured consumers mind with effective marketing strategies as one of the newcomers. The purpose of this paper is to examine the repurchase intention of consumers based on their attitude toward preferred brand that consumers would choose. This also can be used for the basis and reference for owners or managers to enhance consumers repurchase intention. This research framework was developed based on the need to understand the deeper understanding of repurchase intention on Tokopedia and Shopee consumers in Surabaya, Indonesia. The design of this research is created with connecting the relationship between hedonic value, Utilitarian value, attitude toward brand, and repurchase intention. This paper used SPSS software to analyze and meaning of its regression analysis to determine and also assess the proposed hypothesis using SPSS software. Based on the survey distributed, 150 questionnaires came back with the valid data. It can explain the significance effect of Hedonic Value and Utilitarian Value on Attitude of the consumers toward the brand; and also the significance of attitude toward brand on consumers repurchase intention.

 Keywords: Hedonic Value, Utilitarian Value, Attitude Toward Brand, Repurchase Intention, e-Commerce.

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The Impact of Hedonic Value and Utilitarian Value on Repurchase Intention Through Attitude Toward Brand:Comparison on Tokopedia and Shopee Marketplace

Author:Hananiel M. Gunawan & Oliandes Sondakh
Journal Name:International Journal of Science and Business
ISSN:ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print)
Media:Online & Print
Acceptance Date:10/12/2020
Date of Publication:14/12/2020
Free download:Available
First Page:152
Last Page:163
Paper Type:Research Paper
Current Status:Published


Cite This Article:

Hananiel M. Gunawan & Oliandes Sondakh (2020). The Effect of Hedonic Value and Utilitarian Value on Repurchase Intention Through Attitude Toward Brand: Comparison on Tokopedia and Shopee Marketplace. International Journal of Science and Business, 4(12), 152-163. doi:

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About Author (s)

Hananiel M. Gunawan, (Corresponding author) Business School Lecturer at Universitas Pelita Harapan (Surabaya Campus) Indonesia.

Oliandes Sondakh, Business School Lecturer at Universitas Pelita Harapan (Surabaya Campus) Indonesia.


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