ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print) JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

TThe Impact of Government Support and Technological Innovation on Enterprise Performance: A Case Study of Guangdong Hi- tech Enterprises

 Author (s)



In the context of the spread of the global epidemic and economic downturn, promoting enterprises’ scientific and technological strength and innovation ability is not only a practical need for building an innovative country but also a way to encourage the development of enterprises to maximize profits. This research focuses on the problems in the process of high-tech enterprises’ technological innovation to improve enterprise performance under the conditions of government support. This study analyses the impact of government support on enterprise performance from two aspects: Government subsidies and policy orientation. This research uses the questionnaire method to explore the topic empirically. The research results show that, first, non-selective government subsidies and selective government subsidies are conducive to the improvement of the technological innovation level of enterprises; second, tax preference policies, government procurement policies, and financial support policies help to enhance the technological innovation capabilities of enterprises; third, the non-selective government subsidies and the selective government subsidies can jointly promote the performance of high-tech enterprises; fourth, building support based on diversified policies is the driving force to improve enterprise performance; fifth, technological innovation affects the high-quality development of high-tech enterprises; sixth, technological innovation affects the path of government subsidies to enhance enterprise performance; seventh, give play to the intermediary role of technological innovation in policy orientation to enhance enterprise performance. Given the above conclusions, this study provides specific suggestions for high-tech enterprises to improve their performance from the perspectives of government, industry and enterprises.

Keywords: Government subsidies, Policy orientation, Technological innovation, Enterprise performance.

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Title:The Impact of Government Support and Technological Innovation on Enterprise Performance: A Case Study of Guangdong Hi- tech Enterprises
Journal Name:International Journal of Science and Business
ISSN:ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print)
Issue publication (Year):2022
Acceptance Date:11/10/2022
Date of Publication:12/10/2022
Free download:Available
First Page:196
Last Page:231
Paper Type:Research paper
Current Status:Published


Cite This Article:

CHEN WEIJUN (2022). The Impact of Government Support and Technological Innovation on Enterprise Performance: A Case Study of Guangdong  Hi- tech Enterprises. International Journal of Science and Business, 14(1), 196-231. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7187713

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About Author (s)

CHEN WEIJUN, Asia Metropolitan University, Malaysia.


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