Impact of Brand Personality on the Different Stages of Brand Loyalty: Gender Moderation
Author (s)
Md. Mehedul Islam Sabuj
This study aims to investigate the correlation between brand personality and various phases of brand loyalty within the particular setting of footwear brands in Bangladesh. This study also explores the moderating role of gender in the relationship of brand personality and brand loyalty. This study utilises Aaker’s brand personality scale and Oliver’s multi-stage brand loyalty model, which includes cognitive, affective, and conative aspects of brand loyalty. A total of 430 data has been collected using a structured questionnaire survey. Structured equation modeling (SEM) technique has been applied to analysis the data. Result shows that brand personality has a positive significant impact on all of the brand loyalty stages. Results also reveal that gender moderates the relationship of brand personality and brand loyalty. This study is empirically significant in the sense of structure and study area and subject matter context as it finds a very limited work. This study will also help the brand managers and marketing practitioners to establish link to brand personality to brand loyalty behavior.
Keywords: Affective loyalty, Cognitive loyalty, Conative loyalty, Brand personality, Gender, Footwear Brand.
Title: | Impact of Brand Personality on the Different Stages of Brand Loyalty: Gender Moderation |
Author: | Md. Mehedul Islam Sabuj |
Journal Name: | International Journal of Science and Business |
Website: | |
ISSN: | ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print) |
DOI: | |
Media: | Online |
Volume: | 40 |
Issue: | 1 |
Issue publication (Year): | 2024 |
Acceptance Date: | 18/07/2024 |
Date of Publication: | 30/08/2024 |
PDF URL: | |
Free download: | Available |
Page: | 140-160 |
First Page: | 140 |
Last Page: | 160 |
Paper Type: | Research paper |
Current Status: | Published |
Cite This Article:
Sabuj, M. M. I. (2024). Impact of Brand Personality on the Different Stages of Brand Loyalty: Gender Moderation, International Journal of Science and Business, 40(1), 140-160. DOI:
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About Author (s)
Md. Mehedul Islam Sabuj, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Hajee Mohammed Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU), Dinajpur, Bangladesh, & PhD. Fellow, Institute of Bangladesh Studies (IBS), University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. ORCID: