ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print); JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

Turnaround Strategies Adopted by Banks in Kenya: An Academic Research Paper

 Author (s)

Fredrick Kariithi Githui & Fanice Junge Nafula


The study explores turnaround strategies adopted by Kenyan banks in response to challenges that include deteriorating financial performance, operational inefficiencies, and market pressures. The banking industry has been beset by increasing NPLs, changing customer expectations, regulatory reforms, and technology disruptions, all of which have called for strategic interventions toward recovery and growth in a sustainable manner. The paper reviews the strategic responses of banks in regard to cost-cutting, operational efficiency, revenue diversification, organizational restructuring, and technology-driven innovations. A mixed-method approach helps to accomplish comprehensive analyses by including case studies of banks where the turnaround strategy was implemented, financial reports, Central Bank of Kenya publications, and interviews with experts. The study will, therefore, focus on some of the challenges of implementing this strategy, such as internal and external resistance to change, regulatory constraints, and the high costs of technological adoption. It also evaluates the wider consequences on financial stability, market shares, and customer loyalty. The research brings to light the various successes and limitations of these strategies in Kenya’s dynamic financial sector. This work serves as a strategic blueprint for banks that are similarly beset by challenges and adds to the knowledge base on turnaround management in financial services. Conclusively, this study shall help policymakers, bank executives, and industry practitioners navigate through financial and operational turbulence with a long-term perspective of resilience and growth.

Keywords: Turnaround Strategies, Kenyan Banks, Non-Performing Loans (NPLs), Competitive Market, Banking Sector, Strategic Management, Financial Stability.

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Title: Turnaround Strategies Adopted by Banks in Kenya: An Academic Research Paper
Author: Fredrick Kariithi Githui & Fanice Junge Nafula
Journal Name: Journal of Market Research
Media: Online
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Issue publication (Year): 2024
Acceptance Date: 10/02/2025
Date of Publication: 13/02/2025
Free download: Available
Page: 19-37
First Page: 19
Last Page: 37
Paper Type: Research paper
Current Status: Published


Cite This Article:

Githui, F. K. & Nafula, F., J. (2025). Turnaround Strategies Adopted by Banks in Kenya: An Academic Research Paper, Journal of Market Research, 1(1), 19-37. DOI:

Retrieved from

About Author (s)

Fredrick Kariithi Githui (Corresponding Author), School of Business, KCA University, Kenya.

Fanice Junge Nafula, School of Business, KCA University, Kenya.


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