ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print) JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

The Influence of Leadership in Chinese Construction Enterprises on Workers’ Unsafe Behavior

Author (s)

Li Qiang


Frequent safety accidents in the construction industry have resulted in many casualties and serious economic losses. The main cause of construction safety accidents is the unsafe behavior of construction workers. Although scholars have conducted extensive research on the influencing factors and mechanisms of unsafe behavior among construction workers, there is relatively little research on the emotions of construction workers as its influencing factors. Through pre research and literature review, it was found that emotions are an important factor affecting unsafe behavior among construction workers. This paper combines system analysis theory, accident causation theory, emotional event theory, and behavioral decision-making theory, and uses literature analysis to propose hypotheses. Data is obtained through questionnaire surveys, on-site observations, and text analysis, and statistical methods are used to verify the proposed hypotheses; Mainly using methods such as correlation analysis and regression analysis. This paper proposes and verifies that emotions are an important theoretical perspective for explaining unsafe behavior among construction workers and verifies the significant mediating role of emotions between leadership and unsafe behavior, as well as the significant moderating effect of safety atmosphere. In summary, the paper enriches the theoretical dimensions of the impact mechanism of unsafe behavior among construction workers by introducing emotions as an element that characterizes individual psychological states. At the practical level, the paper proposes a new management strategy to reduce the level of unsafe behavior among construction workers by improving management factors and regulating emotions.

Key words: Unsafe behavior, Construction workers, Emotions, Leadership, Safety climate, Security Management.

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Title: The Influence of Leadership in Chinese Construction Enterprises on Workers’ Unsafe Behavior

Li Qiang

Journal Name: Journal of Scientific Reports
Publisher IJSAB-International
Media: Online
Volume: 7
Issue: 1
Acceptance Date: 05/10/2024
Date of Publication: 07/10/2024
Free download: Available
Page: 147-158
First Page: 147
Last Page: 158
Paper Type: Research Paper
Current Status: Published


Cite This Article:

Qiang, L. (2024). The Influence of Leadership in Chinese Construction Enterprises on Workers’ Unsafe Behavior, Journal of Scientific Reports, 7(1), 147-158. DOI:


About Author (s)

Li Qiang, Lincoln University College, Malaysia.


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