ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print); JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

Memory, Identity, and Resistance: Jurek Becker’s Narratives as social Commentary on Holocaust Trauma

Author (s)

Maddalena Guglielmi


This article examines the life and work of Jurek Becker, focusing on his unique perspective as a Holocaust survivor and his contributions to post-war German literature. Although Becker’s literary legacy remains largely within German borders, his novels – particularly Jakob the Liar – offer profound insights into the Holocaust and Jewish identity in the context of both Germanies. Born into a Jewish family and surviving the horrors of the Lodz ghetto and concentration camps, Becker’s writing reflects his ambivalence towards Jewish identity and his complex relationship with German society. This article explores Becker’s thematic focus on memory, loss, and the search for identity, revealing how his experiences shaped narratives that address universal themes of human resilience and suffering. By analyzing Becker’s novels, essays, and personal reflections, the article underscores his role in grappling with Germany’s Nazi past and confronting themes of memory and belonging that resonate well beyond the GDR’s ideological confines.

Key words: Jurek Becker, Holocaust, Jewish Identity, Memory and Loss, German Literature.

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Title: Memory, Identity, and Resistance: Jurek Becker’s Narratives as social Commentary on Holocaust Trauma
Author: Maddalena Guglielmi
Journal Name: Journal of Scientific Reports
Publisher IJSAB International
Media: Online
Volume: 7
Issue: 1
Acceptance Date: 20/11/2024
Date of Publication: 25/11/2024
Free download: Available
Page: 301-317
First Page: 301
Last Page: 317
Paper Type: Literary studies
Current Status: Published

Cite This Article:

Guglielmi, M. (2024). Memory, Identity, and Resistance: Jurek Becker’s Narratives as social Commentary on Holocaust Trauma, Journal of Scientific Reports, 7(1), 301-317 DOI:

About Author (s)

Maddalena Guglielmi, Indipendent Scholar, Rue Émilie Claus, 61. 1180, Belgium.


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