ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print); JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

Factors influencing the Effectiveness of online Content marketing in Bangladesh

 Author (s)

Siyam-E-Nur & Md Awlad Hossain


The goal of this research was to look at some of the aspects that might affect the success of online content marketing in Bangladesh. The data for this study was acquired using online questionnaires and includes 103 respondents from diverse demographics. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA analysis, and a regression model in this associative, inferential, and predictive study. The findings revealed that the attitude of Bangladeshi consumers towards online content marketing was overall positive and accepting. The overall findings also revealed that Bangladeshi consumers hold a more favorable attitude towards online content marketing and the independent variables – “producing quality content,” “understanding obscure demands,” and “customers’ attitude towards CM” are significant (p-value < 0.05) In addition, these three variables, “quality content,” “obscure demands,” and “customer attitude,” have a positive relationship with the dependent variable. So, it can be claimed that a change in the quality of content that the companies produce, a change in the companies’ ability to understand the customers’ obscure demands, and a change in the customers’ attitude towards content marketing as a whole will significantly affect the effectiveness of online content marketing in Bangladesh. According to the findings, if local and multinational companies want to gain an advantage in overcoming the challenges of bringing effectiveness to their online content marketing, they should produce high-quality content, try to understand customers’ obscure needs, and increase their positive attitude toward content marketing. 

Keywords: online content, effective content, online content marketing, quality content.

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Title: Factors influencing the Effectiveness of online Content marketing in Bangladesh
Author: Siyam-E-Nur & Md Awlad Hossain
Journal Name: International Journal of Science and Business
ISSN: ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print)
Media: Online & Print
Volume: 12
Issue: 1
Issue publication (Year): 2022
Acceptance Date: 17/04/2022
Date of Publication: 24/04/2022
Free download: Available
Page: 11-26
First Page: 11
Last Page: 26
Paper Type: Research paper
Current Status: Published


Cite This Article:

Siyam-e-Nur & Md Awlad Hossain (2022). Factors influencing Effectiveness of online Content marketing in Bangladesh. International Journal of Science and Business, 12(1), 11-26. doi:

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About Author (s)

Siyam-E-Nur, MBA Graduate, department of marketing, Comilla university, Cumilla, Bangladesh.

Md Awlad Hossain (Corresponding author), Assistant professor, department of marketing, Comilla university, Cumilla, Bangladesh.

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