Impact of Total Quality Management in Beverages Production
Authors: Uzma Rasool Khan, Aqsa Jawaid, Safia Rafiq Mukati, & Tooba Hammed Parachal
In the field of business, various factors leading to total quality management in beverages production. In which low wastage rates, efficient use of resources and time and cost saving are the important variables in beverages production. The factors resulting in total quality management and its effect on low wastages rates on the beverages production are very necessary for every organization to make sure its achievement and parallel advancement. Several types of research have been completed in the business pitch, linking to the features of better quality management and its effect on beverages production. This study has frequent consideration on the connection between total quality management, low wastages rate, efficient use of resources and time and cost saving, which gives more power and strength to the employee to work effectively and efficiently in the organization. The study was related to “Impact of Total Quality Management in Beverages Production”. For the purpose of research quantitative method was used and around 50 respondents were provided with a questionnaire including 8 questions to be answered. Questionnaire method mainly used to collect the primary data. The data gathered was analyzed to reach suitable and valid theoretical findings.
Key words: Low wastage rate, efficient use of product resources and time and cost saving.
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Title: Impact of Total Quality Management in Beverages Production
Authors: Uzma Rasool Khan, Aqsa Jawaid, Safia Rafiq Mukati, & Tooba Hammed Parachal
Journal Name: International Journal of Science and Business
ISSN: ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print)
Media: Online and Print
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Acceptance Date: 20/04/2018
Date of Publication: 22/04/2018
PDF URL: (Inactive now)
Free download: Available
Page: 198-210
First Page: 198
Last Page: 210
Cite This Article:
Khan, U. R., Jawaid, A., Mukati, S. R., & Paracha, T. H. (2018). Impact of Total Quality Management in Beverages Production. International Journal of Science and Business, 2(2), 198-210. doi:
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About Authors
Uzma Rasool Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Jinnah University for Women, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
Aqsa Jawaid, Student of MBA, Jinnah University for Women, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
Safia Rafiq Mukati (Corresponding author), Student of MBA, Jinnah University for Women, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
Tooba Hammed Paracha, Student of MBA, Jinnah University for Women, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
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