ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print); JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

Implementation of SQ GapFil Model in Improvement of Service Quality of Hospitality Management Industries in Sylhet Region of Bangladesh


Jahanjeb Ibne Khaled & Rejaul Abedin


Bangladesh’s tourist attractions include archaeological sites, historical mosques and monuments, resorts, beaches, picnic spots, forests and tribal people, wildlife of various species etc. With the number of tourists coming to Sylhet growing by 8-10 % since 2005, the number has increased due to an increasing number of foreign tourists. Managing tourism, leisure and hospitality firms successfully requires an orientation into the conceptualization and implementation of essentials of service quality. Entirely satisfied foreign tourists shall return to the tourist spots they have visited and they will refer positive word-of-mouth to their near and dear ones. This research investigates some core factors that can affect satisfaction level of international tourists with specific reference to tourism & hospitality industry in Sylhet region of Bangladesh. Another objective is to investigate the reasons why local hotels are failing to attract more foreign tourists; what are the quality lacking for which foreign tourists are complaining about and for why they are not referring friends and families about the hotel. This study determines how SQ Gapfil model can be utilized to overcome such types of quality gaps in hospitality management industry.

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Implementation of SQ GapFil Model in Improvement of Service Quality of Hospitality Management Industries in Sylhet Region of Bangladesh


Jahanjeb Ibne Khaled & Rejaul Abedin

Journal Name: International Journal of Science and Business
ISSN: ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print)
Media: Online & Print
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Acceptance Date: 08/12/2018
Date of Publication: 22/12/2018
Free download: Available
Page: 800-809
First Page: 800
Last Page: 809
Current Status: Published

Cite This Article:

Khaled, J. I. and Abedin, R. (2018). Implementation of SQ GapFil Model in Improvement of Service Quality of Hospitality Management Industries in Sylhet Region of Bangladesh. International Journal of Science and Business, 2(4), 800-810.


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About Authors

Jahanjeb Ibne Khaled (Corresponding Author), Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, North East University Bangladesh (NEUB).

Rejaul Abedin, Accounting and Finance Department, North East University Bangladesh (NEUB).



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