ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print); JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Innovation Performance: The Mediating Effect of Innovation Ecosystem in Guangdong Province’s Pharmaceutical Industry

 Author (s)

Huang Lu


This study examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and pharmaceutical innovation performance, with a focus on the role of the innovation ecosystem in mediating this relationship. The study highlights the importance of balancing the economic and social aspects of pharmaceutical enterprises to promote their innovative development while fulfilling social responsibilities. Using a systematic review of relevant literature, the study constructs a relationship model between CSR, innovation ecosystem support, and pharmaceutical innovation performance. The study collects measurement items, develops measurement scales, and conducts a large-scale formal survey to verify the research hypotheses. Regression analysis is used to explore the reasons for the establishment and non-establishment of the hypotheses. The paper summarizes the research work and proposes management suggestions. The study contributes to the growing research on CSR and performance by providing a thorough understanding of how CSR affects corporate performance in the context of pharmaceutical enterprises.

Keywords: corporate social responsibility, pharmaceutical enterprises, collaborative symbiosis, resource acquisition, innovation performance.

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Title: The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Innovation Performance: The Mediating Effect of Innovation Ecosystem in Guangdong Province’s Pharmaceutical Industry
Author: Huang Lu
Journal Name: International Journal of Science and Business
ISSN: ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print)
Media: Online
Volume: 24
Issue: 1
Issue publication (Year): 2023
Acceptance Date: 24/04/2023
Date of Publication: 27/04/2023
Free download: Available
Page: 81-96
First Page: 81
Last Page: 96
Paper Type: Research paper
Current Status: Published


Cite This Article:

Huang Lu (2023). The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Innovation Performance: The Mediating Effect of Innovation Ecosystem in Guangdong Province’s Pharmaceutical Industry. International Journal of Science and Business, 24(1), 81-96. doi: 10.58970/IJSB.2117

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About Author (s)

Huang Lu, Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Asia Metropolitan University (AMU), Malaysia.



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