ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print); JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

Geotechnical Characterization for Slope Stability Analyses of Noseri and Sandhok Landslides

Author (s): 

Raja Khurram Mahmood Khan, Md Nasir Uddin, Fahad Saleem, Zeeshan khan


Landslide is a global geological hazard because of its high frequency and wide loss distribution. Two major landslides situated in Azad Kashmir along Neelum valley road were selected for this study. The region has active faults, experienced earthquakes, heavy rain, and snowfall. Consequently, landslides have caused many deaths in the past decades and have frequently damaged roads, infrastructures, agricultural lands, and dense forest cover. The present study deals with geotechnical studies of soil and rock for pre-stability analyses of the Noseri and Sandhok landslides with a special focus to find out the reasons for slope failure. Finally, remedial measures for landslide stability are put forward. The study includes field investigations, comprising site geomorphology and characteristics of each site, and laboratory tests involving physical and engineering properties of soil. The results show that rainfall has no obvious effect on the landslides, whereas varying temperature has a little impact on their failure. It is concluded that the instability of Noseri landslide may be related to seismic activities, and slope failure occurs along the active fault zones as it lies along the hanging wall of the thrust fault (MBT). While, Sandhok landslide may be caused by fractures and cracks occurred under tectonic stresse.

Key words: landslide; geotechnical studies; pre-stability analyses; slope failure; seismic activities.

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Geotechnical Characterization for Slope Stability Analyses of Noseri and Sandhok Landslides


Raja Khurram Mahmood Khan, Md Nasir Uddin, Fahad Saleem, Zeeshan khan

Journal Name: International Journal of Science and Business
ISSN: ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print)
Media: Online
Volume: 3
Issue: 3
Acceptance Date: 29/05/2019
Date of Publication: xx/05/2019
Free download: Available
Page: 303-309
First Page: 303
Last Page: 309
Paper Type: Research Paper
Current Status: Accepted

Cite This Article:

Khan, R. K. M., Uddin, M. N., Saleem, F., khan, Z. (2019). Geotechnical Characterization for Slope Stability Analyses of Noseri and Sandhok Landslides. International Journal of Science and Business, 3(3), 292-302. doi:

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About Author (s)

Raja Khurram Mahmood Khan (Corresponding Author), China university of mining and technology, Xuzhou, China.

Md Nasir Uddin, China university of mining and technology, Xuzhou, China.

Fahad Saleem, China university of mining and technology, Xuzhou, China.

Zeeshan khan, China university of mining and technology, Xuzhou, China.


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