ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print); JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

Comparative Financial Position Analysis of Islamic Banking Industries: A Study of Selected Islamic Banks in Bangladesh

Author (s)

Md. Nur Nobi, Md. Lutfur Rahman Al Azhari, Shahedul Islam, & Md. Arif Billah


The banking sector plays a predominating role for capital formation and in the growth and development of our economy in every single aspect.  The main motive of this research is to show a comparative evaluation of financial conditions of some selected banks by using descriptive analysis, z-test analysis and ratio analysis with graphical presentation. The Secondary data has used for the study has collected from bank’s Annual reports, websites, Bulletins, scholar’s views, journals, and Magazines, etc. The selected banks for analysis are IBBL, SIBL, FSIBL, AIBL, and Exim Bank. The phase of study for the chosen banks is from 2016 to 2019. According to analysis and overall z test ratings this study presumes that, the banks named IBBL, SIBL and AIBL are comparatively the leading banks and in safe position.

 Keywords: Banking industries, Ratios, Financial Performance, Islamic Banks, Analysis.

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Title: Comparative Financial Position Analysis of Islamic Banking Industries: A Study of Selected Islamic Banks in Bangladesh
Author: Md. Nur Nobi, Md. Lutfur Rahman Al Azhari, Shahedul Islam, & Md. Arif Billah
Journal Name: International Journal of Science and Business
ISSN: ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print)
Media: Online
Volume: 4
Issue: 11
Acceptance Date: 22/10/2020
Date of Publication: 28/10/2020
Free download: Available
Page: 119-130
First Page: 119
Last Page: 130
Paper Type: Research article
Current Status: Published


Cite This Article:

Md. Nur Nobi, Md. Lutfur Rahman Al Azhari, Shahedul Islam, & Md. Arif Billah (2020). Comparative Financial Position Analysis of Islamic Banking Industries: A Study of Selected Islamic Banks in Bangladesh. International Journal of Science and Business, 4(11), 119-130. doi:

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About Author (s)

Md. Nur Nobi (corresponding author), PhD Research Fellow, Faculty of Finance and Administrative Sciences, Al-Madinah International University, Malaysia. Email:

Dr. Md. Lutfur Rahman Al Azhari, Assistant Professor, Department of Qur’anic Sciences, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Md. Shahedul Islam, BBA in Finance, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Md. Arif Billah, Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of Qur’anic Sciences, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh, Bangladesh.


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