ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print); JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

Effect of Thread Count and Stitch Density (SPI) on 2/1 Twill Woven Fabric

Author (s)

Malaz Rahman Khan, Md. Shamsuzzaman Rasel, & Dip Das


The seam strength and seam efficiency of 2/1 twill woven fabric has been investigated all through the research where a variety of 20/2, 27, 30, 40, 40/1, 40/2 and 40/3 thread count were applied individually for superimposed, lapped and bound seam respectively. After preparation, each of the samples, brought into the tensile strength test and the breaking strength and efficiency were measured. For each case, seam strength increased with the increase of SPI at a constant thread count. The lowest seam strength and efficiency were achieved for samples sewed with 27Tex sewing thread, and the maximum value was achieved for samples which were stitched by 40/3 count.

Key words: Stitch density, thread count, 2/1 twill fabric, strength and efficiency.

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Title: Effect of Thread Count and Stitch Density (SPI) on 2/1 Twill Woven Fabric

Malaz Rahman Khan, Md. Shamsuzzaman Rasel, & Dip Das

Journal Name: International Journal of Science and Business
ISSN: ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print)
Media: Online
Volume: 4
Issue: 3
Acceptance Date: 21/02/2020
Date of Publication: 26/02/2020
Free download: Available
Page: 37-45
First Page: 37
Last Page: 45
Paper Type: Research Paper
Current Status: Published

Cite This Article:

Malaz Rahman Khan, Md. Shamsuzzaman Rasel, & Dip Das (2020). Effect of Thread Count and Stitch Density (SPI) on 2/1 Twill Woven Fabric. International Journal of Science and Business, 4(3), 37-45.  doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3687159

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About Author (s)

Malaz Rahman Khan, Lecturer, Department of Textile Engineering, World University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Md. Shamsuzzaman Rasel (Corresponding author), Lecturer, Department of Textile Engineering, World University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Dip Das, Lecturer, Department of Textile Engineering, World University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


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