ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print) JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

How to Enhance Word of Mouth in the Era of E-commerce: Case study of Tokopedia

Author (s)

Hananiel M. Gunawan & Oliandes Sondakh


In this internet era, companies a racing to provide the best online shopping experience for their customers. Customer satisfaction is still one of the most crucial aspect in maintaining customer loyalty for their online shopping behavior. Tokopedia is one of the most advanced, growing, and well known market place for online shoppers in Indonesia. This paper will examine the word of mouth of online shoppers and also how to enhance it. It also useful to be the basis for reference on the influence of perceived website quality, social influence and recommendation and experience on performance expectancy; performance expectancy for customer satisfaction and Word-of-Mouth; and customer satisfaction with Word-of-Mouth. This model was developed in order to conduct a Word-of-Mouth research conducted on the Tokopedia online shopping site in Surabaya. This research model is formed from the relationship between Perceived Website Quality, Social Influence and Recommendation, Experience, Performance Expectancy and Customer Satisfaction. This study used simple regression analysis to determine and test the hypothesis using SPSS software. Based on the data processing that has been done, the results show that Social Influence and Recommendation, and Experience have a significant effect on Performance Expectancy; Performance Expectancy has a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction and Word of Mouth; Customer Satisfaction has a significant effect on Word of Mouth, while Perceived Website Quality has a positive but not significant effect on Performance Expectancy.

 Keywords: Perceived Website Quality, Social Influence and Recommendation, Experience, Performance Expectancy, Customer Satisfaction, Word of mouth.

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Title:How to Enhance Word of Mouth in the Era of E-commerce: Case study of Tokopedia
Author:Hananiel M. Gunawan & Oliandes Sondakh
Journal Name:International Journal of Science and Business
ISSN:ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print)
Media:Online & Print
Acceptance Date:15/06/2020
Date of Publication:12/08/2020
Free download:Available
First Page:47
Last Page:59
Paper Type:Research Paper
Current Status:Published

Cite This Article:

Hananiel M. Gunawan & Oliandes Sondakh  (2020). How to Enhance Word of Mouth in the Era of E-commerce: Case study of Tokopedia. International Journal of Science and Business, 4(9), 47-59. doi:


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About Author (s)

Hananiel M. Gunawan, (Corresponding author) Business School Lecturer at Universitas Pelita Harapan (Surabaya Campus) Indonesia.

Oliandes Sondakh, Business School Lecturer at Universitas Pelita Harapan (Surabaya Campus) Indonesia.


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