ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print); JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Production in Bangladesh:  A Review

Author (s)

Md. Nur Islam & Md. Abdul Wadud


Bangladesh is a severely more vulnerable country to climate variation; its impact on agricultural production is extensive due to its different effects.   The effect depends on its geographical location and environmental awareness. Impact of climate variation on agriculture is a global concern. Therefore in Bangladesh where lives and livelihood depend on agriculture, it’s becoming a great threat for national food safekeeping. The review study endeavors to reveal the possible impact of climate change on agricultural production in Bangladesh covering the period from 1972 to 2019. Bangladesh has already begun to experience a negative impact. Temperature is progressively rising; river bank erosion, frequency of floods, magnitude of cyclone, storm surge, salinity intrusion, and the volatility of precipitation has enhanced compared to the past that led to the possibility of reducing agricultural production. For instance, climate alteration has become more concern for country’s food safety. This is now the proper time to take and set up proper rules and guidelines through an inflexible outlook. The Bangladesh government tries to reduce the consequence of climate variation through the help of various national and international organizations. An inclusive measurement is ensured to enhance the competency of encountering climate change; otherwise it would be the cost of massive loss, particularly on agriculture in Bangladesh.

 Keywords: Climate Change, Agricultural Production, Precipitation, Temperature, Global Warming,  Sea Level Rising, Natural Disaster,  Salinity.

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Title: Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Production in Bangladesh:  A Review
Author: Md. Nur Islam & Md. Abdul Wadud
Journal Name: International Journal of Science and Business
ISSN: ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print)
Media: Online
Volume: 4
Issue: 9
Acceptance Date: 07/10/2020
Date of Publication: 30/11/2020
Free download: Available
Page: 125-137
First Page: 125
Last Page: 137
Paper Type: Literature review
Current Status: Published

Cite This Article:

Md. Nur Islam & Md. Abdul Wadud (2020). Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Production in Bangladesh:  A Review. International Journal of Science and Business, 4(9), 125-137. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4296562

Retrieved from


About Author (s)

Md. Nur Islam (corresponding author), Assistant  Professor, Economics; OSD, DSHE, Ministry of Education, Bangladesh & PhD Research Fellow, Institute of Environmental Science (IES), University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh.

Dr. Md. Abdul Wadud, Professor  & Chairman, Department of Economics, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh.


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